Hill & Moin Beat the Odds and Win for Auto Accident Victim

September 13th, 2012

A. Nichols, a young African-American man who now works for an art gallery, was hurt when a city bus collided with a car in which he was a passenger.  He suffered a painful hip fracture that required surgery with hardware.  He came to Hill & Moin for help.

Numerous people were injured in this accident, and every one of them had a different perspective on the events.  In the confusion of their various accounts, the odds against Mr. Nichols grew longer.  It seemed like his case “wasn’t looking good.”

However, Mr. Nichols then learned that “Hill & Moin are fighters.  They fight to the end.”  In spite of apparent setbacks, our firm persevered and obtained a hard won settlement for Mr. Nichols.  He says that Hill & Moin did “everything right” in getting a successful result in his case.

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