Archive for the ‘Our Clients Speak’ Category
Carpenter Falls from Ladder on Construction Work Site and is Awarded $435,000 Settlement
Tuesday, April 21st, 2020
Ray R., a union carpenter, was working on a construction project inside the Macy’s Herald Store. He fell from a ladder while building new shelves.
Ray R. knew he needed a top personal injury firm with a depth of expertise in construction site injury law. He was recommended to contact Hill & Moin by another attorney. Ray R. did some research on his own and was convinced that this was, indeed, the firm best equipped to litigate for him against big corporations. He was not disappointed. Thanks to Hill & Moin’s hard work ethic and meticulous execution, Ray R.’s case settled for $435,000, greatly exceeding his expectations.
Tags: Hill & Moin, Hill & Moin LLP, New York accident lawyers, New York construction accident attorneys, New York construction accident lawyers, New York Ladder Accident Lawyers, NY accident attorneys, NY accident lawyers
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Driver Rear-Ended on Major Deegan Expressway Receives $300,000 Settlement for Soft Tissue Shoulder Injury
Tuesday, April 21st, 2020
I.S. was driving northbound on the Major Deegan Expressway. He was following all traffic and road laws. The driver behind I.S. was driving too close to him. Due to traffic congestion, I.S. was required to slow down and upon doing so, he was rear-ended. The other driver had failed to give himself enough time to brake his vehicle in order to avoid colliding with I.S.’s vehicle. Due to this accident, I.S. was removed to a hospital and suffered soft tissue injuries, including a torn right bicep tendon, herniated discs and a rotator cuff injury.
Tags: Hill & Moin, Hill & Moin LLP, Injured shoulder, New York accident lawyers, New York auto accident attorneys, New York auto accident injury, New York personal injury attorneys, New York personal injury lawyers, shoulder injury
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Postal Worker Falls Through Hole In Deli and Receives $850,000 Settlement
Monday, March 9th, 2020
After a long day of work, S.W. went inside a deli seeking a refreshment. As in many NYC delis, there was narrow walking space, with unopened beverage cartons lined up in the beverage section limiting access to the beverage section. A deli worker unfortunately had left the basement door open and as S.W. went to select a beverage she fell into the basement. It was the scariest moment of her life.
Tags: Hill & Moin, Hill & Moin LLP, New York Accident Victim, New York personal injury attorneys, New York premises accident lawyers, New York premises liability attorneys, New York slip and fall lawyers, New York trip and fall attorneys
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Granddaughter of a Car Collision Is Grateful to Hill & Moin for Obtaining the Maximum Compensation Available for her Grandmother’s Death
Thursday, February 27th, 2020

A.C. could not stand seeing her grandmother in pain after she was involved in a three-car collision accident caused by the negligence of her driver. Since she was young, A.C.’s grandmother had taken care of her and now A.C. knew that it was her turn to provide the very best for her grandmother.
Tags: New York accident lawyers, New York auto accident injury, New York personal injury attorneys, New York personal injury lawyers, NY accident attorneys, NY accident lawyers, NY Transportation Accident Lawyers
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Brooklyn Construction Company Manager in Two Car Collision Praises Hill & Moin for Obtaining Compensation for His Left Hand and Wrist Injuries.
Wednesday, February 12th, 2020

Y. G was on his way to pick up his young children from camp one day and was traveling some distance from Brooklyn to Upstate New York. He was obeying all traffic laws, driving relatively with no traffic in his way when he was hit by another vehicle exiting a gas station. In this head-on collision, Y.G. injured his left hand and wrist. The injuries required surgery and physical therapy and unfortunately, Y.G suffers discomfort to this very day because of the injuries. In fact, for Y.G., typing at the computer is harder now and he cannot attend the gym and do exercise boxing and body building anymore.
Tags: Hill & Moin, Hill & Moin LLP, New York accident lawyers, New York auto accident injury, New York hand injury lawyers, New York personal injury attorneys, New York personal injury law, New York personal injury lawyers
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Home-attendant trips and falls on a defective sidewalk on Brighton Beach and praises Hill & Moin for Obtaining $350,000 for her hand injuries.
Wednesday, February 12th, 2020
N.M was walking down Brighton Beach Avenue on her way from a pharmacy from which she picked up medication for her patient when, she tripped and fell due to a defective sidewalk. N.M fractured her wrist. Due to her injury, N.M, had a hard time cooking, dressing, and even brushing her teeth.
Tags: New York accident lawyers, New York pedestrian accident, New York personal injury attorneys, New York personal injury law, New York personal injury lawyers, new york slip and fall injury, New York Trip and Fall Injury
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