Posts Tagged ‘New York auto accident attorneys’
Driver Rear-Ended on Major Deegan Expressway Receives $300,000 Settlement for Soft Tissue Shoulder Injury
Tuesday, April 21st, 2020
I.S. was driving northbound on the Major Deegan Expressway. He was following all traffic and road laws. The driver behind I.S. was driving too close to him. Due to traffic congestion, I.S. was required to slow down and upon doing so, he was rear-ended. The other driver had failed to give himself enough time to brake his vehicle in order to avoid colliding with I.S.’s vehicle. Due to this accident, I.S. was removed to a hospital and suffered soft tissue injuries, including a torn right bicep tendon, herniated discs and a rotator cuff injury.
Tags: Hill & Moin, Hill & Moin LLP, Injured shoulder, New York accident lawyers, New York auto accident attorneys, New York auto accident injury, New York personal injury attorneys, New York personal injury lawyers, shoulder injury
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Brooklyn Construction Company Manager in Two Car Collision Praises Hill & Moin for Obtaining Compensation for His Left Hand and Wrist Injuries.
Wednesday, January 22nd, 2020
Y.G. was on his way to pick up his young children from camp one day and was traveling some distance from Brooklyn to Upstate New York. He was obeying all traffic laws, driving relatively with no traffic in his way when he was hit by another vehicle exiting a gas station. In this head-on collision, Y.G. injured his left hand and wrist. The injuries required surgery and physical therapy and unfortunately, Y.G suffers discomfort to this very day because of the injuries. In fact, for Y.G., typing at the computer is harder now and he cannot attend the gym and do exercise boxing and body building anymore.
Tags: Hill & Moin, Hill & Moin LLP, New York auto accident attorneys, New York auto accident lawyers, New York personal injury attorneys, New York personal injury lawyers
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Car Rear End Accident Turns Around into Settlement for Spanish Speaker
Friday, July 5th, 2019
F.M. is a 47-year-old father who experienced the terror of getting hit by another vehicle with his children and wife in the car. F.M. was driving home when the cur lurched forward twice. They had been rear ended at no fault of their own. After F.M. and the other driver exchanged information, it became apparent that the other driver was inebriated. The police were called but the other driver fled the scene. Eventually, the driver was caught, but F.M. was in a lot of pain. F.M. was taken to the hospital for injuries to his neck, back, and right shoulder.
Tags: back injury, fractured shoulder, Hill & Moin, Injured shoulder, New York accident lawyers, New York auot accident lawyers, New York auto accident attorneys, New York auto accident injury, New York personal injury attorneys, New York personal injury lawyers, NY accident attorneys
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