Medical Malpractice Settlement Yields $650k

October 28th, 2010

Slip and Fall InuryA satisfied client returns to Hill & Moin LLP after she slipped on ice at her friends’ home.

 L.L., a 67-year-old widow from Bronxville, NY, fell outside of her friends’ home. She was visiting to wish them a good vacation and drop off a photograph she thought they might like.

She parked as close to their house as possible. When she got out of the car, she saw a large sheet of ice. She tried to walk the 10 to 12 feet over the ice to the house by holding on to her car. However, she fell anyway and fractured her left hip and wrist. LL knew exactly where to go to protect her legal rights. The attorneys at Hill & Moin LLP had represented her when her husband died as a result of medical malpractice, procuring a settlement of $650,000. They took on her new case and, despite factors that the insurance company tried to use against her, such as her use of glasses and previous leg injury, they negotiated another large settlement on her behalf.

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