Brooklyn Bicyclist Reaches Settlement After Serious Bike Accident

July 21st, 2011

New York Bicycle Injury ClientStan B., a 61-year-old Brooklyn resident and avid bike rider for the past 20 years, fractured his hip and right elbow when he was thrown off his bicycle commuting home from work.

Stan was taking his usual bike route home, travelling down a narrow, two-lane road, when a car door was suddenly opened in front of him and he slammed into it. He was tossed from his bike, suffered severe injuries, and underwent hip replacement surgery and elbow surgery. Since the driver of the vehicle disappeared after the accident, Stan had no hopes of recovering any compensation for his ordeal. Fortunately, he was referred to Hill & Moin LLP.

Immediately, Hill & Moin began fighting for his compensation. Stan was not aware he had insurance for this type of accident, but his lawyers were able to sift through the paperwork and discovered buried within a household car policy, a provision upon which the lawyers pounced. Within six months, Baum held in his hand, a handsome check reflecting a sum beyond his wildest dreams.

Stan is grateful to his attorneys and the staff at Hill & Moin who worked their magic with empathy and focus. Thanks to Hill & Moin, the process of recovery has been “stress-free” and he has been able to focus on his intense physical therapy.

Biking accidents can be life-altering events, but with Hill & Moin at the helm, this bicyclist has ensured his financial future.

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